德国斯图加特——7月7日. 27, 2023) -汉普顿路联盟, 汉普顿路劳动力委员会, and Virginia Beach Economic Development hosted Presidents and officials of 大学, 社区学院, and technical colleges from Hampton Roads on a visit last week to Stuttgart, 德国-访问财富cff888, 业务, 以及该地区的政治领导人. 代表团, which included Hampton Roads 市长 and 业务 leaders, explored Germany’s dual-track vocational education and training (VET) program, 国家劳动力发展管道. 职业财富cff888培训项目大约支持1个.每年在全国范围内培训300万名职业学徒,并作为德国高科技产业中推动人才发展的主要工具.

President Marcia Conston (Tidewater Community College); President Corey McCray (保罗D. 坎普社区学院); President Towuanna Porter Brannon (Virginia Peninsula Community College); Executive Vice President Joel A. English (Centura College and Aviation Institute of Maintenance); Campus President Andy Gladstein (ECPI University); and Associate Vice President for Corporate 合作伙伴hips Sarah Jane Kirkland (老道明大学) conducted a weeklong visit to apprenticeship sites around Baden-Württemberg, 德国西南部地区. The educational and 业务 leaders were joined by Hampton Roads 市长 Kenneth Alexander (诺福克), 鲍比·戴尔(弗吉尼亚海滩), 香农·格洛弗(财富坊cff999), 唐尼·塔克(汉普顿), 里克·韦斯特(切萨皮克).

代表团 visited corporate headquarters of manufacturers, 业务拓展办事处, and the campuses of the technical schools and apprenticeship sites associated with the VET program. 其中包括多瑙埃辛根的Gewerbliche Schulen职业学校和路德维希堡的oscar - walker - shul职业学校. The academic leaders interviewed technical school students, 学校管理人员, 公司领导, 和教师确定如何将这种150年历史的技术财富cff888模式的最佳实践应用到汉普顿路的财富cff888生态系统中.

来自该地区大学的领导, 社区学院, and technical colleges shared key takeaways from their visit.

• “The opportunity to engage with major German industries and 财富cff888机构 was invaluable. 在我们考虑如何加强和扩大整个汉普顿路的学徒计划时,他们的许多最佳实践和创新将影响我们的思维. 从那些早在14岁就开始学徒之路的学生那里听到的消息对我们的团队很有影响, 我对我们接下来将采取的系统性和战略性措施感到兴奋,以加强该地区的劳动力.”

Dr. Marcia Conston, President, Tidewater Community College

•“我们很清楚,德国的技术财富cff888从小学开始,在高中开花结果, 整个德国的创新型制造商和行业都依赖于VET项目中的劳动力发展模式.”

Dr. Joel English, Executive Vice President, Centura College and Aviation Institute of Maintenance

•“德国受到人才短缺的影响, 劳动力技能差距, 低失业率, 以及社会对职业的误解, 交易, 以及技术专业, 就像我们在汉普顿路一样. 但职业财富cff888培训计划表明,企业和政府的协调和有意投资可以支持高等财富cff888人才管道学徒系统,以满足雇主的需求.”

Dr. Towuanna Porter Brannon, President, Virginia Peninsula Community College


Andy Gladstein, Campus President, ECPI University

•“德国职业财富cff888培训计划为我们地区类似的学生成功模式的发展提供了一个框架, 劳动力, and economic development as symbiotic components. I am looking forward to implementing this initiative alongside my counterparts at the other institutions.”

Dr. 科里·麦克雷,总统,保罗·D. 坎普社区学院

• “This 劳动力 readiness initiative fully aligns with the strategic vision of 老道明大学, and we are eager to support and advance the work of this coalition. Our strategic plan closely parallels the goals of this initiative, 我们与商界的合作比以往任何时候都更加密切,以建立对我们地区产生重大影响的人才输送渠道. 正是通过与我们宝贵的合作伙伴的这项重要工作,我们将在本地区为子孙后代创造更多的机会!”

Dr. Brian O. Hemphill, President, 老道明大学

职业财富cff888培训计划的一个关键特征是将行业合作伙伴作为投资者纳入财富cff888模式. Not only are the production facilities of manufacturers used as training sites for apprentices, but it is common for German employers to contribute input on curriculum, 培训师监督学徒的工作, 以及用于教授学生在工作场所使用的直接技术和工具的培训设备.

在一周内, the delegation also visited the corporate headquarters of Stihl and IMS:Gear, manufacturers with facilities in both Hampton Roads and southern Germany, 了解公司如何依靠当地中学财富cff888系统中的学徒来满足劳动力需求.

Reimagining Career and Technical Education in Hampton Roads

作为下一步, 学术带头人, 市长, and 业务 leaders agreed to focus on collaboration between high schools, 大学, 社区学院, 和汉普顿路的技术学院, in order to emulate the attributes of the VET program.

“There is clearly both 政治 and financial support for educational pathways in Virginia, 我们希望财富cff888, 政治, 商业领袖能够在汉普顿路有效地工作,抓住这一使命的重点,肖恩·艾弗里说。, 总裁兼首席执行官, 汉普顿路劳动力委员会.

Based on the delegation’s findings during the mission, 下一步还将包括与汉普顿路和弗吉尼亚州的立法者和商界领袖进行对话,分享可能在汉普顿路有效的职业财富cff888培训模式的要素. Modeling many attributes of the German VET program, 代表团已经开始建立合作伙伴关系,通过培养满足关键行业需求的熟练劳动力,促进汉普顿路的经济增长,最大限度地提高经济发展机会. This program will emphasize socio-economic equity, 文化敏感性, 以及所有学生的历史意识, 不管他们的背景如何, while drawing from the German educational model. 这个项目, coordinated by the 汉普顿路劳动力委员会, 会以工作为基础的学习为特色吗, 实习和学徒, and collaboration between 财富cff888机构 and industry.

“As the Alliance and Workforce Council draft an MOU between Hampton Roads municipalities, 财富cff888机构, and 业务 organizations to articulate the goals of the effort, 我们期待着整个区域的合作, 以相互尊重和共同承诺为特征,实施德国财富cff888模式的特点,道格·史密斯说, 总裁兼首席执行官 of the Hampton Roads Alliance.

领导人计划定期集会, 邀请立法者和商界领袖加入技术财富cff888联盟,以加强弗吉尼亚州东南部学生的机会,并加强劳动力发展途径,以支持当地工业.